sounddiary mixes
Sounddiary mixes are an interactive audiovisual experience in Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labor
The mixes are fully keyboard accessible – meaning you can navigate between knobs using the tab key and shift + tab key.
Target | Shortcut | Description |
Global | Space | Play/Pause |
Global | P | Open the Progress bar |
Global | X | Open the extra knobs |
Knob / Sample | M | Mute knob or sample |
Global | ⌘ Command + 1–9 | Focus on Knob 1–9 |
Global | 1–9 | Trigger sample 1–9 |
Knob / Sample | 👉 swipe through | Cancel Sample or mute Knob |
Sample | L or 👉 click/tap and hold | Loop Sample |
Sample | R | Loop the current Sample |
Sample | ESC | Cancel the Sample |
Knob / Sample | ⏎ Enter | Play Sample or Mute Knob |
Global | ⇥ Tab | Navigate between controls |
Knob | ↑/↓ | Skim through focussed Knob. Use ⇧ SHIFT for bigger steps |
Progress | ←/→ | Skim though the track when focussing the progress bar. Use ⇧ SHIFT for fast forwards/backwards |
Progress | ⌘ Command + scrollwheel or 👉 pinch & zoom | Zoom in/out the progress bar (not enabled for all tracks) |
Welcome to the sound diary, a place for interactive music with stunning visuals. Do you care for an introduction?
Sounddiary mixes are an interactive audiovisual experience in Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labor